Friday, December 2, 2011

Deliciously Grilled Aubergines

Hi!! This will teach you how to make these delicious grilled aubergines!!!!!
It's simple but I wouldn't say it's fast but I would certainly say that's it's Delicious with a capital D.
So here are the ingredients.
Ingredients: 1 aubergine.
A squeeze of miso paste.
A cube of sugar. The mini mini ones.
Water you will need more and more until right.
Olive oil.
Truffle oil.
1. Cut your aubergine into slices into, too thick not too thin.
2. Get a pan, not the frying pan and lay out your slices in there and wait for an 1 hour.
3. After prepare the frying pan, and lay out the slices in there and pour olive oil.
You may need to add more olive oil.
4. While waiting, prepare the sauce. For this squeeze some miso into a cup sometimes you need to add. Add the water the sugar and the truffle oil.
Take another pan frying and pour the sauce and cook on low heat until it's have lore consistency.
5. Pour the sauce back into the cup and if your aubergines are nice and golden brown they are done!!!!
6. Put the aubergines on a plate and pour the sauce!!
I totally recommend you to eat this with rice and salad!!!!!!