Monday, July 26, 2010

Pretty Palace for Pastries !

Hi ! I know you must had heard of pastries, but had you heard of salty ones ?
You don't have to answer that, because now you've heard it from me !

Here are the ingredients :
3 large onions .
10 cl of balsamic vinegar
1 small spoon full of pepper
caramel ( We shall make homemade caramel !)
1 sheet of puff pastry
Ingredients for caramel : Water in a coffee cup
1 big spoon
powdered sugar

1.First we will get a pan and preheat.(low heat .)
2.Then put 2 big spoon full of sugar .
3.Then pour a little water .
4. Stir with another big spoon .
5.Add more sugar and water.
6.Keep stirring until it's golden .
7.Now put the butter in and stir. Put aside.

Now for the rest of the filling:
1. Peel and cut the onions. Put onions in a bowl .
2. Pour 10 cl of balsamic vinegar in the bowl with the onions .
3. Add a little spoon of pepper.
4. Mix it together.
5. Pour the onions, balsamic vinegar and pepper in the pan with the caramel .
6. Put the heat pretty high .
7.Stir for 10 minutes.Put aside.
8.Cut the sheet of puff pastry in rectangles.
9. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
10. With a medium spoon, take your mixture and put a little bit in each rectangle.
11.Fold up the ends and pinch together into little pouches.
12. Put in the oven.
13. Wait for 20 minutes until golden.
14. Then remove from the oven and serve warm.
15. Before you eat, don't forget to scream "pretty palace for pastries!"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Terrific Truffle Eggs

Hey, this time, I made scrambled eggs with truffle oil, onions and garlic. It was delicious! I know that it's not a fancy dish, but it's good !! It's simple, I love it !

Here are the ingredients:
Eggs (If you are 1 person,use 3 eggs .) (Or if you are 2 ,use 6.
Double the number each time there's another person .)OK here we go:

1 onion
1 garlic
olive oil
truffle oil

1.First shave and cut the onion.Put it aside.
2.then you do the same to the garlic.
3.this time you put both onion and garlic in pan and saute them until they're Brown. Not black
4.then put that aside.
5.crack your eggs and with a fork, whip them for 3 minutes .
6.Now put onion,garlic and whipped eggs all in the same pan with medium hot oil .
7. Then slowly add the truffle oil .Put as much as you like .
8. mix your mixture until your eggs are how you want 'em .(I like 'em kind of runny .)
then put it in a bowl or plate with bread or rice or something else . I like it with rice and soy sauce .And before you start to dig in, you family&friends should all yell: "Eggs are for easter but I'm not waiting that long !!!!!" ENJOY !!!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mouthwatering Meringues

This time I tried meringues. Meringues are these sweet, high-protein munchies. At first I thought that meringues were made of whipped cream and you put in the oven. But it's not that.
Here's the recipe:

250 g sugar
4 egg whites
vanilla extract (you can also put cocoa & any extract that you want)

1. After you take out your eggs from the fridge, wait 15 minutes.
2. Then separate the whites from the yolks.
3. Beat with electric beater until foamy.
4. Keep on beating but this time slowly add the 250 g sugar and vanilla extract.
5. Then beat one more time.
6. Take paper. Roll and tape into funnel. Tape it really well.
7. Cut off the end. Put 2 or 3 big spoonfuls of your foamy mixture into the funnel.
8. Take baking paper and put it on the kitchen table.
9. With your funnel, squeeze slowly and make little "plumps" of your mixture.
10. Make as many "plumps" as you can with all of your mixture.
11. If the funnel doesn't work, use hands, fingers or spoons.
12. Preheat oven to 120 degrees Celsius. No more, no less.
13. Put sheets with meringues in oven.
14. Then wait for up to 1 hour.
15. Take it out of the oven. Then slowly detach all your meringues.
16. Serve on plate. Then enjoy! Don't forget---you, family, and friends-- to scream "meringues are mouthwatering!"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Samosas Supreme

Hello again. This time, instead of cake, we will have samosas. Oh, you don't know about samosas? Samosas are these little delicious triangles filled with yummy mixtures inside. The outside is crunchy. You can hear yourself crunch from a mile away!

I will share with you my secret ingredients:
filo pastry sheets
1 cup of green peas
1 large onion
2-3 potatoes
dash of salt
dash of pepper
1 teapoon of tumeric
1 teaspoon of powdered ginger
1 teaspoon garam masala

Here's what to do to make these crunchy creations:
1. Peel potaotes, cut them in cubes & boil for 15 minutes until tender. Put aside.
2. Cut the onions in small cubes.
3. Mix tumeric, ginger, garam masala, salt & pepper in a bowl.
4. Then put onions, peas, potatoes, 2 teaspoons of your spice mixture in a pan with butter.
5. Cook over medium heat until your onions are golden.
6. This is the hard part. Cut filo pastry circle sheet in half so it's a semi-circle. Then fold in the rounded part so it looks like rectangle.
7. Put a spoonful of filling on the filo. Fold over into a triangle shape. Keep repeating this until the end of the sheet. Then slowly tuck the end into the pocket.
8. Repeat #7 with all your samosas until you run out of the scrumptious mixture.
9. Then heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat and fry the samosas until crisp and golden.
10. Then serve with delight! And oh don't forget! Before you eat, you & your family should all scream "samosas are supreme!"

PS. You can invent other filling mixtures like meat, spinach, anything you want...but always keep the same spices. Enjoy! I did!

Yum Yums for Yogurt Cake!

Hello! Welcome to my food blog! For my first recipe, I would like to share with you one of my recipes for yogurt cake. Here, try it, it's delicious!

1 cup of unflavored yogurt (If you are in Europe, one small yogurt container will do. Keep your yogurt container to use as a measuring cup.)

1 cup of white sugar (use yogurt container)
1 cup of oilve oil (use yogurt container)
1 tablespoon of baking powder
3 cups of flour (use yogurt container)
a lot of cinnamon
as much vanilla extract as you like (not whole bottle though!)
1 cup of fruit (You can choose any fruit to add to the cake. I like to cut up little cubes of apples.)

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Mix all the ingredients in a big bowl. Pour into a baking dish. Put in oven. After 20 minutes, check if ready by slipping a knife into the cake. If no batter sticks to the knife, then it's done! Oh before you eat, you and your family should all scream "YUM YUM FOR YOGURT CAKE!"